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 Hit solid golf need Chinese style hold lever

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Join date : 2011-04-21

Hit solid golf need Chinese style hold lever Empty
PostSubject: Hit solid golf need Chinese style hold lever   Hit solid golf need Chinese style hold lever Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 7:39 pm

When you stand straight and put his hands golf clubs for sale on their sides, you will discover that you have two hands and body formed certain Angle. Generally speaking, both taylorMade burner superfast 2.0 driver hands is neither vertical also is not parallel to the body, but and body have a small Angle: the thumb more close to the body than pinkie finger. This is called "hand Chinese taylormade r11 driver position". When you hold lever, the Angle is very important, it is helpful for mining stem head shots for providing the greatest potential for reply founder. When you start from hip bending posture, well ahead of your hands must keep the Angle. If his hands on stem can still callaway x24 hot irons keep this Angle, you are more likely to become a technical stability golfer. In order to get your hands on a pole position, you should form Chinese style of stem on your attention taylormade r9 supertri driver emphatically the fingers, and not palm. Can really use the hand strength is your finger, palm's strength comes from the wrist and forearm, do not have to keep the position of flexibility, may let fixed steps shift. Here is a very appropriate examples, if you take taylormade r9 driver pens with finger, it can keep in situ; When by hand grasp pen, pen in hand movement, because it are not locked.
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Hit solid golf need Chinese style hold lever
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